Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How do I pronounce the Welsh name Bryn Terfel?

I've been saying "brin ter-ful" but I heard a British announcer call him what sounded like Ter-VEL. Please also tell me the stress pattern: terFEL or TERfel or an even ter-fel.

How do I pronounce the Welsh name Bryn Terfel?
I am a keen opera goer, and have often seen Bryn in the flesh at performances in London. I have always heard the name pronounced "brin ter-fel" with equal stress on both parts of the surname. However the announcer whom you heard may not have been English, and have spoken with a Welsh accent. There is only a slight difference between the pronounciation of v and f depending on who is speaking. To me the pronounciation of some opera singers' names when I listen to Opera from the Met seems odd from this side of the pond.
Reply:It's pronounced Brin tervel. I am a welsh speaker so my English phonetics won't be too good . But F os pronounced as v is in English. U is pronounced as i is in English. Not as oo. W is pronounced as U and Oo are in English

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